Coastal Geomorphologist
Oregon salt marsh restoration projects
Southern Flow Corridor Effectiveness Monitoring
Funding Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (National Fish Passage Program grant)
PIs: Laura S. Brophy, Erin K. Peck, Scott J. Bailey, Craig E. Cornu, Robert A. Wheatcroft, Laura A. Brown, and Michael J. Ewald
This project was conducted by the Institute for Applied Ecology’s Estuarine Technical Group (Corvallis, OR).
Southern Flow Corridor Project Effectiveness Monitoring Plan January 7, 2014
Southern Flow Corridor Effectiveness Monitoring, 2015-2017: Blue Carbon and Sediment Accretion
Baseline Monitoring at the Wallooskee-Youngs Restoration Site
Funding Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Fish Passage Program
PIs: Laura S. Brophy, Laura A. Brown, Michael J. Ewald, & Erin K. Peck
This project was conducted by the Institute for Applied Ecology’s Estuarine Technical Group (Corvallis, OR).
Part 1: Blue Carbon and Channel Morphology
Part 2: Blue Carbon, Ecosystem Drivers, and Biotic Responses
Presentations: "Soil carbon accumulation and ecosystem drivers in Youngs Bay and Tillamook Bay, Oregon, USA" Columbia River Conference, 2018, presented by Laura Brophy